
Campbell-Richmond Post 63



The government and management of the post is entrusted to the executive board. It meets once a month on the third Wednesday of the month or at the request of the Post Commander. The Executive Board (E-Board) is charged with the hiring of employees, authorizing and approving all expenditures, requiring adequate bonds from those with custody of post funds, hearing reports of post commitee chairpersons, and generally managing post affairs. Delegation of these functions is in no way intended to upsurp the powers of the membership through regular post meetings. Rather, this allows the routine operational affairs of the post to be handled outside of post meetings. Commitee reports of general interest to members should still be given at post meetings.

Current members of the E-Board are: Steve Willett, Post Commander; John Ousnamer, Adjutant; Tom Romzek,  2nd Vice Commander; Jerry Grzywinski, Finance Officer, Don Davis, Past Commander, IVHMA President MIke Cascone, Auxiliary President Amy Laboissonniere, SAL Commander Bob Long, Clubroom Manager Dwaine McCutcheon, and Rental Chairperson Judy McCutcheon. 



The Post Audit and Financial Committee independently reviews all financial records to ensure that financial reporting and affiliated financial transactions of the Post are prepared and reported in accordance with criteria set forth by the American Legion National, District, and Post 63 standards. Such review shall ensure adherence to the Legion standards, that they are consistent and correct, and any deviations or errors found are identified and corrected. Such findings may include recommendations for corrective action so as to eliminate future recurrence. *

Additionally, the Post Audit Committee shall review expenditures and income to insure that monies spent and received are following guidelines, goals, and approvals as set forth in the Post constitution, by-laws, minutes, and other established procedures. 

The Post Audit Committee shall also review and make recommendations as to Post financial investments, i.e. certificates of depost, money market investments, etc.